把: grip; handle某人: a certain person打翻在地: strike sb. down to the dust打敗: defeat; beat; worst擊倒: down使: send; tell sb. to do sth.把某人打翻在地: stretch sb. on the ground把某人毁掉, 打败某人: knock sb off his perch打败某人: beat sb; beat someone to his knees; beat/defeat sb; knock sb off his perch; put sb to the worse; put sb. to the worse把某人打倒在地: knock one flat彻底打败某人: beat sb. into fits把某人打发: give someone the brush off把某人打昏: knock sb out打翻在地: strike sb. down to the dust或打翻在地: knockoverer变平;彻底打败某人: flatten把某人打发走: waive sb off承认被某人打败, 输给某人: yield the palm to sb把某人打得半死: no.to kick the craout of somebody把某人打得大败: wipe the floor with sb用枪把某人打死: give sb the heat把某人摔倒在地: throw sb to the ground把某人打得鼻青脸肿: beat sb. black and blue把某人打得落花流水: beat sb. to pieces把某人打得屁滚尿流: no.to kick the craout of somebody